In search of info on a building (Dartmouth rd.)

The History of Sydenham from Cippenham to present day. Links to photos especially welcome!
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In search of info on a building (Dartmouth rd.)

Post by Lostmind »

I've seen a photograph on this forum (From Mr Grindlay I think), showing R. Chalk to the left corner and the Dartmouth Arms a little further up the road. Next to this are a line of buildings and one of the shops has an advert to the side of it (The Fish & Poultry Market building). I just wondered if anyone had any further information on it, such as the previous owners, and if its still about today? - Apologies for not adding the photo - little idea how too!

I have posted here in the past, as I'm still on the hunt for my ancestors. This leads me onto another small question: My G.G. Grandfather (James E. Ashby) was, according to family myth, a bit of a nightmare in the late 1800's, and was always in trouble with the local constabulary :!: - My question is, is there anyway to track down local Sydenham/Forest Hill police or Court records for the 1870-1900 period. I have tried some general searches on the National Archive, but I'm not sure if its just appauling search skills or that the records no longer/never have existed.

Once again, any info at all will be brilliant - Thanks to messers Gridlay and Falkor as well, for their help and info in the past.

Steve Grindlay
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Joined: 4 Oct 2004 05:07
Location: Upper Sydenham

Post by Steve Grindlay »

I guess this is the picture you mean:

The "Fish Market" was at 11 Dartmouth Road. I suspect you know that it was occupied by William Ashby. He was a fishmonger and poulterer there from the late 1860s, when this parade of shops was built, until the late 1880s. From 1891 until 1920 it was Farrance's fishmongers and in 1921 it became MacFisheries until, I think, the early 1970s.

As for police/magistrates' records you should contact <Lewisham Local History Centre>. I don't think they hold these records but they should certainly be able to tell you who does.

By the way, there is a high resolution copy of the picture <here>
Posts: 18
Joined: 26 Dec 2006 19:16
Location: East Anglia

Post by Lostmind »

That is brilliant! I really didn't know that that building once belonged to William. It was only when I stumbled across the photo that I got thinking(as in the picture you posted of the line of shops at Kirkdale/Denham crt.). I'm a complete novice when it comes to searching for my family tree, but this forum has been a god-send.
I have trid to find William and any of his family in the 1861 census, but with no luck. Anyway, it's an ongoing process. But again, I'd just like to say thanks for all the time you give to answering all these questions.

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