Sockpuppets on t'other forum

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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by stuart »

brazil nut wrote: 13 Jul 2019 14:50So what makes one a Chris Beach target? Admin and Stuart is obvious, dirty tactics to bring down the competition I assume.
It's more complicated than that. I wasn't the competition as CB knew at the time, I was supportive of and CB was always quite kind to me - I do keep his correspondence. Then suddenly on some innocuous thread he exploded and didn't look back. I tried to reach out many times but, well you see the result. I could never get to the reason why things suddenly changed or the point of him being so abusive in private as well as public.

But let's row back a bit. 'Forum Wars' don't do anybody any good. People not involved are confused, bored or don't know who to believe as trust on all sides goes down the plughole. Public discourse in both SE23 & SE26 has already been compromised and divided.

Hey but they are only forums, not real life. Be nice and nice people are nice back. That's what I come here for. However, it does preclude me using the life forums until I can see CB practicing what he preaches. Then I hope Oscar Wilde's dictum won't apply:

"Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them so much" :)

Last edited by stuart on 13 Jul 2019 16:38, edited 1 time in total.
brazil nut
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by brazil nut »

JGD wrote: 13 Jul 2019 15:30 i was and probably still am, the only member of our local communities who has had a thousand year ban imposed upon them.
I hope you don't mind me saying, but that is funny! I never bothered with the new forum, a man who told a woman who got fired when she was pregnant that she should have had an abortion and who posted Enoch Powell memes was never going to be trusted in charge of a community forum in my view. My hunch proved to be right. It's extraordinary that the originating team you mention defected with him from knowing what he was like. I'm afraid I don't share the same praise you express for them, they enabled him.
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by stuart »

Careful BN. Part of his playbook appears to involve deliberately trying to wind people up so they will explode and can then be painted as the aggressor and him the victim. I think you've seen something of that.

That's why I always reach for my virtual valium when I see another outburst or whatever. Means I don't get annoyed and, perhaps, save winding him up even more - he does get a bit agitatum.

So what's the point of this thread? Perhaps to highlight some of his methods. Clinically it may help unbelievers to observe and deduce the probabilities for themselves. If this thread descends into vitriol imho you've lost, he wins.

brazil nut
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by brazil nut »

stuart wrote: 13 Jul 2019 16:50 Careful BN. Part of his playbook appears to involve deliberately trying to wind people up so they will explode and can then be painted as the aggressor and him the victim. I think you've seen something of that.
I hear you. So where does one get some of this virtual valium? :D
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by stuart »

brazil nut wrote: 13 Jul 2019 16:53I hear you. So where does one get some of this virtual valium? :D
Sorry, I seem to have almost exhausted supplies this week :)

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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by JGD »

stuart wrote: 13 Jul 2019 16:35 "Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them so much"
As always - wise advice - and a little humour goes a long long way.

My dry sense of humour can also lead to trouble - but hey-ho.

My preference lie with virtual beer as opposed the valium variety.
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by stuart »

JGD wrote: 13 Jul 2019 17:02My preference lie with virtual beer as opposed the valium variety.
Nope, I'm shocked you have sunk so low. Virtual Valium from drinking REAL Beer is the proper answer. Try it!

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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by JGD »

brazil nut wrote: 13 Jul 2019 16:36 I hope you don't mind me saying, but that is funny!
Don't mind at all - it's really funny beyond belief.

As Stuart said at the time, was it a precursor to the setting up of another thousand year Reich. How we laughed.

And for Stuart, I was being discrete - for I can be - I really sneaked out with the better half for couple of real beers !!

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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by brazil nut »

I see he's now been asked directly whether he's behind Flava Baker. I imagine whether he is Flava Baker or not he will issue a denial, but IF he is behind it then he may be wise to exercise some caution. If I was the person who'd sent the email, being thrown to the wolves and with a large bunch of folk insisting that police get involved, I would be insisting the police investigate this dodgy Flava Baker account, which would be her biggest defence. If it were proved that CB was behind it and he's issued an unequivocal denial on forum, he would end up with egg on his face and his credibility in tatters.
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by JGD »

We have an answer
CB in another place on 15 July wrote: But as always, these allegations were concealed by technical means and I could not see them. I am more anxious than ever to know what is being said.

The purpose of FlavaBaker was not to provoke; not to attack, but simply to see statements made against me on Twitter, statements visible to most other accounts local to SE23. Statements causing real harm to me and the community forum I’d put so much time and effort into building.

I regret the underhand nature of this Twitter account. In hindsight it was a mistake but at the time I didn’t know how to find out what was being said about me and the forum. This Twitter account was never going to harm anyone, and never going to mislead any consumer into any kind of transaction. But it reflects poorly on my character. I bitterly regret this, after building the forum as a force for good. I hope my mistake doesn’t damage the great work that others have put into

Whilst the account was not genuine, every thing else posted here is, and the email received posted above is real. The person involved searched online for photos of my mother, mother-inlaw, my house and mentioned my wife and child whilst saying she might pay my street a visit. I realise setting up the account was not correct, but nothing excuses threats to my young family like this.

So it turns out my paranoia over the attacks was warranted, but this comes as a cold comfort given the consequences of this whole situation.
So he lied about the existence of Flava Baker. He lied about having been granted access to the Flava Baker accounts. And he lied about the purpose of getting that access - namely to potentially share the data with the police and incriminate another member of our community. These actions far outstrip his previous worsts, namely the publication of long lists of accusations of infringements that only existed in the unprincipled perceptions of CB.

Along with another CB acolyte on postulating that a multiple identity used to represent an organisation compared with the presence of a personal identity represents sock-puppetry and this mea-culpa from CB himself these are unprecedented times.

I had planned to make the point that Flava Baker has no substance and in reality does not exist, except in CB's foggy farrago, seems to be gaining traction. But we know have his confirmation. So what else has he not been open or transparent about.

But in keeping with the high moral ground we all occupy here - I forgive them for they knowst not what they do.

Not so long ago then after a misguided attack on Rachael by CB and his Norfolk wingman, they colluded and combined to re position and/or lose 54 posts to hide their idiotic and juvenile actions. I swear I recall the attacks being described as like being savaged by a blancmange. Watch this space - what rabbit may be pulled out of the hat there next?
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by JGD »

Chris Beach belatedly in addition wrote: [Of course, I have not groomed anyone]
He added this in hindsight and it seems our forgiveness has to be stretched to include yet another porky.
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by JGD »

Right on time and in an entirely predictable fashion Chris Beach's wingman and moderator enforcer-in-chief has co-joined in a twofer attack on @Michael.

Standard Operating Procedure kicks in.

What next to halt the melt-down?

Only four moderators left including this one and CB himself.
Londondrz in another place wrote: What interests me in all this Michael is the fact that you have not pointed out the threats the other party have made against Chris and his family. I find that odd. I do try to see most sides of a story before passing judgement.
For his own part Chris Beach is now accusing disaffected former members who have a vested interest in slinging mud in his direction.

He alleges a number of false claims have been made about his behaviour with zero evidence presented and that facts are not being checked.

It's everyone else's fault.

As today's forgiver-in-chief I am assured by Chris's stance on this matter.
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by JGD »

And it seems we have entered the evidence destruction phase.

It is reported that the Flava Baker Twitter account has been deleted.

Chris would not dare tamper with potential evidence.

Would he ? Or has he been badly advised and it is all some else's fault ?

Particularly when it is entirely possible that MPS might receive a report on his actions and they elect to get involved. The sock-puppetry and follow through actions might sail close to being considered acts perpetrated contrary to the provisions of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 and The Malicious Communications Act 1988

i suspect screen dumps will be aplenty and service providers will have their trace logs.

Does Chris have an obligation under GDRP to self-report his mis-demeanours ?

I am going to out to buy a bigger bucket of forgiveness.
brazil nut
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by brazil nut »

JGD You may need some of Stuart's virtual valium...? :D I'm sticking with the popcorn.
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by Rachael »

We’re going to need a MUCH bigger bucket of popcorn.
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by RJM »

It's fascinating, but I'm meant to be working!
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by Bluesman »

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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by brazil nut »

I see he's now taking a step back from moderation duties. An admirable move in the circumstances, credit where credit is due. Am I right in understanding, however, that he is the actual owner of the forum and will still thereby have access to privileges arising from that position? With the damage to his credibility and his levels of deception now exposed, I would have serious reservations about him handling and having access forum users data. Although I'm not privy to how these things work, and perhaps the forum software doesn't give him access to unanonymised personal data? Does anyone know?
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by Bluesman »

Yes he is the owner and ultimate admin. Also a developer so will be capable of seeing data regardless of the forum software settings IMO. He is also, at the time of writing, still a member of the moderators group anyway.
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Re: Sockpuppets on t'other forum

Post by JGD »

My last on this today - unless some other significant event occurs or fact emerges.

In an announcement made on 15 July at approximately 13:30, Chris Beach has announced on that he is stepping away from his role as owner, administrator and moderator.

Chris Beach states, "So I am taking some time out, and stepping away from this place, which I love, and which I have spent vast time and money building over the last three years.".

Apparently the forum will be run by three remaining moderators, including Londondrz.

Chris Beach makes no reference about how untenable his position is.

There is no statement about whether he intends to self-report his actions to MPS or that these actions formed part of a plan to conspire to entrap another member of our community and then to report that community member to the police.

Before Chris Beach made his announcement, Chairman of the Forest Hill society Michael Abrahams, remarked on,

"If you any another forum moderator had behaved in the way we have seen - creating fake accounts, creating fake news, trying to access private Twitter accounts, and almost certainly creating sockpuppets on other forums - would they still be part of the moderating team?

After a break for a couple of months I was hoping to re-engage on the site. I’m really not sure that is a good idea at present. Not because of anybody’s political views, but because of the behaviour on the forum and outside the forum that we have seen."
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