Concerning Chris Beach

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Re: Concerning Chris Beach

Post by JGD »

Reflecting on your point - I have no idea what was in my mind when I chose to post on this thread.

An unconscious link back to the .life post you had made?

Or just a brain block?

Must do better.
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Re: Concerning Chris Beach

Post by stuart »

No, it's a delightful diversion of topic JGD.

I thought the webinar was quite good. I was only alarmed by the GP panel - weren't they are looking younger than even policepersons these days? No smoking pipes and doing their rounds in a Rover 90 methinks. Why even young radical "take no prisoners" Dr Finlay wore a three piece suit. But there we go, they didn't have Zoom or concept to market vaccines in under a year. So it's welcome progress. If only they could also invent a mirror that didn't age.

Stuart :cry:
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Re: Concerning Chris Beach

Post by Nic »

After a pleasant few months where Chris Beach seemed to have stepped back from Twitter and defaming and harassing members of the local community, sadly he's back again with a vengeance.

As well as making further defamatory statements about me, he is somehow accessing my private tweets - from my account which I locked purely to protect myself from him - flaunting that fact very publicly and taunting me with it. He is also, once again, provoking a mentally unwell man with a violent temper to turn on me, someone he knows has previous form for verbally abusing me in the street in a very public display of rage witnessed by numerous members of the HOP community. And he is attempting to blackmail me into removing my posts on this forum, saying he will remove his defamatory posts about me and "leave me alone" if I do so - i.e. he will stop behaving illegally if I do what he demands. How anyone can think this is acceptable behaviour from anyone - let alone a grown, professional, family man - is beyond me.

I've culled followers in an attempt to root his sockpuppet out, yet he is still reading my tweets. He claims that he has a "friend" who runs to him the moment I tweet anything to let him know what I've said, so that he himself can respond to it and taunt me with the fact he is reading my tweets. I find it hard to believe that this is true, but if it is then the "mole" who is enabling his behaviour is culpable in this too. This is gaslighting, and it is targeted harassment, and it is indicative of a very sick minded individual who cares not about violating a woman's clearly communicated boundaries.

I have once again reported him to the police as I believe his tweets that boast of his accessing my private tweets and violating my boundaries are self-incriminatory when it comes to harassment, a pattern of behaviour that he has been carrying on for 5 years. His "blackmail" tweets are also very self-incriminating. I have also reported him to Twitter, providing a lengthy summary of his actions and behaviours, including all his known Twitter accounts (over 20 of them but I imagine there could be considerably more). I have also, again, instructed a solicitor to send him a legal letter regarding his defamatory statements, and - again - he will need to be able to prove the truth of every single word of his tweets directed at me to successfully defend my claim. Good god, how many times have we been here before?!

In previous Twitter outbursts, he has been careful at times not to use my name, but in this latest outburst which has been ongoing now for several days, rather strangely he has chosen to use my full name in pretty much every tweet, which certainly makes both the criminal case and the civil case much more clear cut - small bonus.

I am at a complete loss as to why this is still going on, years now after he moved away from the area, or why he has returned to launching attacks on Twitter, using an SE23 account, when he had claimed he'd largely stepped away from social media and was much "happier" as a result. But I have long since accepted I will never, ever, be able to understand such a warped mind.
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Re: Concerning Chris Beach

Post by stuart »

Can a tiger change its stripes? Doesn't look like it.

I had hoped we had all moved on. But a lack of medication or whatever is in danger of of bringing us back full circle. I had, in good faith, hidden the website 'Concerning Chris' at the request of someone who had believed Chris had indeed moved on and didn't want his past misdemeanors to hinder his new life.

Right now I'm in a dilemma. If Chris is returning from afar to try and split our communities and defaming people he has issues with - then should his previous misdemeanours be returned to the public domain? Or, indeed doubled up with his FlavaBeker fraud and more?

That would not be good for anyone - there can be no winners here. The answer lies in Chris's hands - to revisit - or move on. Chris, I implore you to reflect which is the better path for you and those around you and please just stop it.

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