Sydenham receives £3.5 million for new youth centre

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Post by smith »

Living here since i was a little kid and now owning my own place in the same area as i was brought up in proves i like the area, I dont own a dog and seeing as friends of mine who also live in the area have not recieved any leaflets through there door and none of them own a dog, so the whole the area was leafleted MY A**E. So lets reward the little S*its and build them a 3.5m play house
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Post by simon »

Smith, I find your comment about the Sydenham Assembly meetings being "little Hitler meetings" as being more than little offensive. I have attended several and found the atmosphere genuinely conducive to allowing local people a voice in shaping the community. I have never been at an assembly meeting where the invasion of Poland or a final solution to the Jewish question was on the agenda.
You obviously do have access to the internet, but you have only made two posts, both critical of this proposal.
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Post by smith »

Well done a gold star for you.

yes i do have access to the internet, and if you take a look at what i said below in bold now just for you. I also only signed up yesterday as seeing a poster in my local shop window with someone else also moaning about this waste of cash

smith wrote:Residents association?????????? surely everyone living on wells park road and roads off of it should know about this, ive lived on peters path for over 20yrs and have never heard of it let alone received a leaflet through my letterbox. Not everyone has access to the internet not everyone has time to get to these poxy little Hitler meetings, what should of been done is everyone affected by this big pile of dog poo which will just bring more unwanted little S*its to the area and bring more crime, should of been asked there opinions door to door.
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Post by simon »

Well Smith, so you have internet and can get out of your house but were unaware of this proposal for the months leading up to it? Was in the local papers and mentioned in several different newletters that came though my door. The fact that you signed up on here to complain about something after a decision has been made, rather than find out what was going on beforehand suggests to me that you need to be a bit more proactive.
I know that not everyone has access to the internet but to suggest that every time a decision has to be made, the council should knock on your door to ask you what you think is preposterous. If they did I'm sure you would be complaining about that being a waste of money as well.
Finally, there are local elections on May 6th (thought I better tell you as you obviously wouldn't know otherwise) perhaps there will be a candidate who shares your view, if not you can always stand yourslef on an anti youth centre ticket; good luck.
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Post by Juwlz »

smith wrote:Living here since i was a little kid and now owning my own place in the same area as i was brought up in proves i like the area, I dont own a dog and seeing as friends of mine who also live in the area have not recieved any leaflets through there door and none of them own a dog, so the whole the area was leafleted MY ARSE. So lets reward the little S*its and build them a 3.5m play house

So – you're too good to attend meetings and far too busy to discover stuff about what's going on in your area in any other way, but not too busy to complain. So first you complain about lack of leaflets and then you say you expect the council to come round and ask you your opinion personally - maybe they can wipe your de****re for you at the same time. (edited so as not to break godwins law or whatever).

I can't remember a leaflet specifically about the youth centre, so its not like there was a consultation that you missed out on, though I definitely had several things through the door mentioning it might happen, but since the centre is supposed to benefit the whole community and not only youths I doubt they thought anyone would be complaining about it. We are really lucky its being built in our area and not somewhere else!
Last edited by Juwlz on 23 Feb 2010 14:48, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by admin »

Just a reminder of Godwin's Law (google it @ wikipedia)

Also please no abuse and that includes abusive language. It doesn't generally help in making a strong point.

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Post by goonerchamp »

I think generally people who don't live in the vacinity of this possible new "crime hub" are happy that its being planned/built and people that live and have to visit family in the area are not - thats thats the problem - how would we like it if they built a dirty glass box on the thorpes and then had kids from around the borough coming along to entertain themselves - Im sure there would be a much larger uproar than there is at present - the wells park area has enough issues with anti social behaviour as it is - its just an off shoot from a main road and does not have the transport links and parking etc etc that this joke would require ! - Im willing to open a book on how long until there is a crime commited related to this new centre
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Post by multisync »

Well Juwiz, I live in the Wells Park area and we do not have a TRA, we did have but due to lack of interest by a lot of residents,it fell by the wayside a few years back.So I don't see how "your residents association" could represent most of the road. We were not consulted as residents about this project and received no leaflets. as you commented to Smith, so no excuse there.Although I might get a couple once this youth project opens!!!
You say you sent a letter of thanks and that not a single person was against it but then a lot of people in the area would be glad to see there children go out in the morning at 9 and come back at 10pm, out of sight out of mind.
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Post by Juwlz »

multisync –I didn't say the residents association was Wells park road. I live on Longton Avenue not on Wells park road but I live nearer the Wells park end so I would be pretty near the youth centre. If I lived right next door to it that would be fine by me too. There was already a youth club there til recently (crime, strangely enough, went up when it closed), so its not like its something completely new.

Its not my fault if no-one was interested to go to your resident's association. Ours sent a letter supporting it - not a letter of 'thanks', but I suppose its almost the same thing.

As I said - there was not a consultation about the youth centre - why would there be - they are merely making a new building for something already there - and making it alot better in the process, by providing alot more that was there previouslyt. The centre is not just for youths either. It is meant for local people so I doubt it would be swamped by youths from far and wide, especially since as you point out there's not much transport here.

The leaflets I am talking about where the new youth centre was mentioned were, I think, Sydenham Assembly ones. If you don't get those I don't know why. It has been mentioned in a lot of other places too as other have pointed out on this forum.

If its true that alot of people in the area would rather their kids were out for the whole day , then all the more reason its needed!

Maybe you should have a look at what they're proposing before completely dismissing it. Plus I would have thought there is still plenty of chance for people to decide what exactly goes in it.

I'm just a bit baffled that anyone wouldn't think its a good idea - especially if they live near it. 3.5million is a big investment in the area, what's not to like?

Oh well I dare say when everyone comes out of the woodwork saying they don't like the design of the building etc etc, why wasn't I consulted blah blah, it'll probably never happen at all, and then when local kids get sucked into crime because there's nothing else for them to do, and ruin their own lives along with everyone elses maybe you'll be happy.
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Post by Sydenham »

Youth clubs do seem to have a positive impact on the rate of crime / anti-social behaviour in their immediate vicinity, or at least when they close their doors the rates go up.

The Sydenham Safer Neighbourhood Team collated the number of calls made to the police service in a period (4 months) when the youth centre was open (Dec 07 - Mar '08') and then in the same 4 month period the following year when the centre had been closed.

In the first period there were 57 calls; this increased to 81 in the period when the centre was closed. There were increases in most types of call (e.g. Robbery, Assault, Groups Gathering, Criminal Damage etc.). There was a reduction in Shed Burglary, and Theft of / from Motor Vehicle.

Whilst this is only one set of statistics and the increase might not all be due to the youth centre closure, the figures are local, covering the Wells Park Road, Peters Path & Markwell Close areas.

I'm confident that the overall impact on the area (which I live in) will be beneficial and these stats just help me in this belief.
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Post by Weeble »

What a depressing thread!

Young people dismissed as "little sh*ts", "black kids terrorising residents" and the proposed youth centre described as a "crime hub".

And yet it is admitted that the area is a hot spot for anti-social behaviour. Could it just be that having nothing for young people to do contributes to this situation? Just maybe a new youth centre could be a good thing for the area?

OK, we don't have to laud it as a panacea for all ills, or neglect to consider that there may be issues to manage around kicking kids out on the street at closing time. But c'mon, overall this should be great news!

Following on from the the thread about The Girls House, this really does make me despair.
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Post by digime2007 »

If the Girls House and the Youth Club weren't bad enough I've now found out that my tax payers money is being spent on these things called 'schools'.

It attracts large groups of kids from all over the place and they all leave at roughly the same time, clogging up the pavements and breathing my air.

Where will this political correctness gone mad end? They'll be spending good pothole filling money on the sick and elderly next.

Before you disagree just ask yourself how you'd like to have socially responsible activity in your back yard. It plays havoc with petunias.

I'm joking but that's how some people around here sound to me.
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Post by Trawlerman »

It has been said that a certain Mrs Thatcher ,who, in Mr Heath's administration was known as 'Thatcher, Thatcher, school milk snatcher' and who also believed that there was no such thing as society, instituted cuts that led to the demise of many local youth clubs etc.

It is likely that the benefits of properly run youth centres will far outweigh any perceived 'drawbcks'.
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Post by Ulysses »

I still miss my milk during the morning break. Those were the days. Even now I drink milk...albeit it's semi-skimmed and organic these days!

Anyway, on topic. I'm not fully up-to-speed with this facility but I'm getting the impression that it'll be something to be proud of? Can anyone confirm what facilities exactly this place will boast?

I'm sorry, I'm just struggling to see what draw-backs there are in this news. It's variously been termed as world-class and something for the whole community. I cannot remember the last time such investment was made here in Sydders. Over £3M about to be spent on the High St and, seperately, over £3M on Wells Park Hall. Exciting times?

As for 'attracting' a certain type of youth. Dare I suggest the potential miscreants already find themselves in that area, often by dint of living there? This should actually channel their energies and focus in a positive sense? No?

I think we might just be surprised at how well this place is kept. After all, only the truly rotten apple will not see such investment being made in them and cherish it.

Maybe I'm just an incurable romantic but I like to think these are good kids who could just do with a break or two and I welcome the news.
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Post by Weeble »

A bit more information here: ... Centre.htm

Apparantly young people were involved in developing the plans and presenting them to the mayor. They'll also continue to be involved in developing and running the youth centre.
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Post by Ulysses »

Thank you Weeble.

I had caught the piece in SLP, which was similar to this article.

Why do I keep on thinking "Kaleidoscope" and - to a lesser degree - "Laban"?

Without having seen architect's workups this is what I am visualising. Look at how Laban has transferred that forgotten corner of Deptford. The owners of The Dolphin have even put a new gastro-pub in Deptford now due to the re-generation, of which Laban was the catalyst. The Kaleidoscope in Catford (Lewisham Road) is a real addition to the area.

The only negative thing I can see is the 'graffiti art' workshops. I'm not aware of Sydders having a graffiti problem. Forest Hill, for example, seems blighted by graffiti, especially on the railway-line. I hope this doesn't compell budding banksys to seek out any old flat wall for their work.

Other than that, bravo to all involved!
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Post by leenewham »

I think there is a huge difference between mindless tagging by bored morons and the likes of Banksy, D*face, Dolk etc.

Art can be a great channel for youth. I think this is a great asset for the area.
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Post by Wispy Wonder »

I think the plans are great, local kids will benefit from something constructive to do, and it's money well spent. Of course, that's said from the comfort of not having it on my doorstep. I imagine the comments on this issue would be a lot different were the centre to be located in some of the more genteel parts of Sydenham (and that's not a sleight in Wells Park).
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Post by Weeble »

Some good points in more recent posts and I think if I have a concern it is the precise location, slap-bang in a residential area.

Immediate neighbours will naturally have some concerns about noise etc, but also it lessens the chance of the centre having a wider regenerative impact, as there's no opportunity for other businesses to develop alongside it.

I hope the plans to make it a general 'community resource' is more than just talk. I do think it is important that it is first and foremost a youth centre that young people can feel they 'own', but forging links with the wider community will be important - to prevent some of the hostility seen on this thread to the centre itself, and also to help tackle the 'them and us' mentality which seems to exist between young people and everyone else.

I've heard of some interesting examples of activities which bring young people and older people together and it would be great to see this kind of thing happening.

Not to say it should get totally 'worthy' - somewhere for young people to just have some fun is still money well spent!
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Post by Annie »

Still, it's important to keep the drug dealers warm and dry a?
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