Managing the Met Police

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Managing the Met Police

Post by admin »

Crime, fear of crime and the issue of the police chasing the wrong people are all too often topics on STF. Now a chance to not only sound off here and tell them directly what you want our Bobbies to be doing here:

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Re: Managing the Met Police

Post by bertie »

I have huge respect for the police and I think it takes a special kind of person to do it (especially in the MET) but sometimes the stories you read that are in circulation do make you wonder.

Nice one STF let's hope our voices are heard...
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Re: Managing the Met Police

Post by bensonby »

On a related note: a criticism (surrounding chasing the "wrong" people) is often leveled that police officer sometimes "target" motorists as they are "easy prey" - implying that handing out tickets etc counts towards some kind of score for police officers. Did anyone know that response PCs (the vast bulk of your local bobbies) get absolutely no credit whatsoever for dishing out tickets (or even seizing uninsured cars) Indeed, lots of police officers are disincentivised from handing out tickets as they are often chased-up to be doing other stuff.

Surveys asking for what people want when it comes to policing is a good thing. However, sometimes people's understanding of the police service, what they do and why they do it, is so wide of the mark and out of kilter with reality that any survey's conclusions must always be treated sceptically. That's not the fault of your average member of the public; indeed, it could be said that that is one of the police service's biggest failings.
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Re: Managing the Met Police

Post by Thomas »

Well the police have been twittering recently, as this article shows: ... 010153167/
The The
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Re: Managing the Met Police

Post by The The »

I have just been out at in Bromley at the large tapas restaurant and witnessed very rowdy drunken behavior from the Wetherspoons pub next door which is a disco pub serving cheap booze leading to inevitable fighting. We watched from a distance as the bouncers appeared and moved one lad to the side as he was running and wanted to pick up a sandwich board to use as a weapon but stumbled and headbutted a lampost and fell over. They spoke to him briefly but as he was 20 yards from the entrance doubled over they left him. Over the next minute his friends slowly came over and when there were about 5 of them one of them walked over to an empty outside table of the tapas restaurant and picked up a bottle. The drunk lad followed suit and picked up a really heavy ashtray and they all started running towards the entrance of Wetherspoons which was out of our site. I have no idea what happened but I guess not much as there wasn't much noise. These lads were only about 20. My point is this is directly opposite Bromley police station and yet they didn't give a toss. I and my friends are early 40s and had a fear and respect at that age for the police.
I get angry when I see people driving along talking on their mobiles. This to me says two things. I have no respect for the law and sod the rest of you. If you behave like this it pokes two fingers up at the law. Start at basics. Where is the respect gone. I understand it may be difficult with juveniles but if people a notch up in age started to think about their behaviour it may trickle down?
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