Zebra crossing - an accident waiting to happen

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Fiona Peters
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Zebra crossing - an accident waiting to happen

Post by Fiona Peters »

Should be moved to the large island near the Greyhound, which is where the majority of commuters tend to cross anyway!!
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Post by toppo »

At approx 10.45pm on Thursday 17th of February someone has been run over on the zebra crossing - probably fatal by the amount of police / ambulance and delays to traffic.

It was so obviously going to happen. But who will be responsible ... apart from the driver ?

Site Admin
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Post by admin »

The report on the accident can be found here:

I'm sure this will not be the last posting on the issue. Please be careful not to post names or any information that may be prejudicial to any police action. You may also like to checkout the long thread (now closed) here:
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Post by stuart »


1pm today saw a guy have to jump out of the way of a eastbound car. The car stopped halfway across the zebra with a very shocked and apologetic driver.

Drivers don't normally apologise to pedestrians. To have seen this happen several times here - would suggest something is very wrong. Do we have to wait for a fatality before something is done?
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Post by stuart »

Shortly after posting the above I received a copy of the Lewisham Safety Audit. I have kindly been given permision to publish it at

I agree with the report that a Pelican is not a solution. I'm not convinced it would be more visible and it does have, as the report specifies, other downsides.

I do agree that people do prefer zebras and its current placement is ideal for many of us who use the Station. However, I do feel there is a lack of discussion on alternate placements. Placing a crossing in the proximity of the Cobbs roundabout would not be ideal - but the visibility/impact on traffic would not appear to differ from the existing two zebras on the far side with which many people do feel comfortable.

It may be a fine judgement whether adding the extra measures detailed in the report would be safer. But I hope both the professionals and representatives of the people will make that judgement with open minds - and eyes...
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Zebra Crossing

Post by Dawn »

I think the person whose idea it was to put a pedestrian crossing on the brow of a hill should go and stand on it for a day!
It is a disaster. I rarely cross it without a car driving straight over who hasn't realised it's a crossing. Agree that it should urgently be moved closer to the roundabout.
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Post by nasaroc »

All of us are persuaded that the current crossing is dangerous. The problem is to apply pressure on the local authority to do something about it? Contributors to this site have two solutions:

1. Move the zebra from the crown of the bridge lower down the hill (towards the front of The Greyhound is a favoured solution). This defeats the object of having a zebra in an accessible spot. Those people who want to cross and head downhill into Sydenham simply won't use the zebra and will run across the road as before.

2. Install a pelican crossing. Again, this isn't a sensible solution. If people are forced to wait, many willl simply ignore the crossing and jaywalk. Also, the pavement is particularly narrow at this point so a blockage will quickly occur when trains empty from the station.

The only realistic solution is to make the zebra more visible. You can do this by installing illuminated poles on the bolisha beacons (look in Barry Road, Dulwich if you want to see how well these work). Also erecting white standards at each end of the zebra will help to pick out pedestrians. The road surfaces approaching the zebra could also be marked with lines or coloured tarmac.

None of these things are difficult or expensive. What is needed is to remind our local authority of their responsibilities. Merely saying that the man who was injured recently was drunk isn't an excuse. I'm a teetotaller but I don't believe that because you are drunk means that your well-being should be put in jeopardy. Accident reduction schemes (and it's difficult to remind oneself that this zebra was installed as part of such a scheme) need to take into account the safety of all pedestrians , drunk or sober.
annabel mclaren
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Post by annabel mclaren »

A small improvement to sightlines approaching the zebra. Late last week the lighting column on the left just before the zebra as you head towards Cobb's corner was moved about one metre to the left. There's now more chance of motorists seeing the crossing clearly as they approach the zebra. Not a total solution but a step in the right direction.
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Zebra Crossing

Post by teddybear »

I totally agree about this crossing. If driving from sydenham towards Cobbs, as the driver involved in the accident was, it is very, very hard to see anyone the right hand side of the road and nigh on impossible if it is wet!! I am constantly slowing down now just in case and may therefore cause an accident by doing just that. Pedestrians (especially non-drivers) just step out and expect you to be able to stop on a sixpence (showing my age now!) without realising that it just cannot happen, that no matter how slow you are going, by stopping dead, you will end up with another car ramming into yours and making things even worse! Marking should be clearer but I do not think that will solve the problem....it needs to be moved or made into a proper crossing with traffic lights.
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Accident - friday Night Sydenham Road

Post by teddybear »

yet again, looks like a nasty accident which ended up with the car practically in the front of Lloyds Bank, flattening the advertising hoarding in the process, not sure if this was anything to do with the crossing or what, but I am getting more and more frustrated at the speed that some drivers do on Sydenham Road and indeed Lawrie Park Road, especially late at night, this accident must have been between 12.30 - 1.00am (cant in the daytime too much traffic!!)

Has anyone else reported the speed issues at all to LBL, or am I the only one that is getting stressed about this??
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Post by GamblingFool »

nasaroc wrote:
2. Install a pelican crossing. Again, this isn't a sensible solution. If people are forced to wait, many willl simply ignore the crossing and jaywalk.
Hmmm, I never like that word, Jaywalking, when in context with Zebra crossings. As a pedestrian you need to show or be walking on the road for the cars to stop. I regulary do this, caution taken, as I love giving bad drivers the finger :)

Taken from the highway code:

Zebra crossings:

As you approach a zebra crossing look out for people waiting to cross and be ready to slow down or stop to let them cross

You MUST give way when someone has moved onto a crossing
allow more time for stopping on wet or icy roads

Do not wave people across; this could be dangerous if another vehicle is approaching

Be aware of pedestrians approaching from the side of the crossing.
Law ZPPPCR reg 25

In my view there are to many bad drivers and not enough crossings for pedestrians anyway. I totally disagree with the Council's reasoning behind another pelican crossing when they say it will affect the 'capacity' of Sydenham Road when it's totally over capacity already!

Simply answer:

More speed bumps
Traffic calming solutions
Higher fines for speeding drivers.

Greg Whitehead
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Post by Greg Whitehead »

I agree entirely with the sentiments here. I do use the crossing and must admit to being one of the 'jumpers'. I do this as I wait and show my intentions but still people seem to just keep driving.

Of course I don't step out if someone is going too fast but half the time when the cars are in the morning rush-hour jam it seems that they just ignore the crossing completely for the sake of gaining those all important seconds. The siting of the crossing is ridiculous and it is only a matter of time before someone dies, I fear.
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Post by Cod »

Well, the granny bonnets are in place and the 'Buff anti-skid surfacing with SLOW markings on the approaches to the crossing' has been laid. This has made exactly NO difference.

I cross this zebra twice a day on the way to and from work and am fed up of having to jump out of the road. Some drivers seem completely unaware that there is a zebra crossing and look around in shock when I shout at them, standing in the middle of the road waving my newspaper as they zoom past inches from my toes.

Now that the temporary traffic lights are in place down Sydenham Road, the traffic going towards Bell Green is often slow moving or stationary. The drivers coming the other way are seemingly intent on killing anyone that dares cross there. I'd love to see a Police traffic car sitting outside the dry cleaners flashing their lights at these idiots.

Sorry for the /bump . . .
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Post by biffa »

as a car driver i find the crossing a touch strange , cant quite put my finger on it but the location feels a touch weird..maybe it to do with the location or maybe its just new but i think its quite dangerous at the moment
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