'free insulation'

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'free insulation'

Post by coll »

I'm sure this has been asked before but I can't find it on any thread. I've had a quite persistent person coming to the door asking 'have you used your free insulation grant yet', or something similar. He's never offered to leave any information but wanted to get into the loft and see if we were eligible. I think i know the answer but is this 'legit'?

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Joined: 5 Nov 2004 14:40
Location: Newlands park

Re: 'free insulation'

Post by stone-penge »

Be prepared for some Acronyms:
Under the new "Green Deal" certain LSOAs (Lower Super Output Areas which are small sub divisions of wards) which are in the lowest 15 % of deprivation nationally are able to get certain energy efficiency works done to their property from the ECO part of the Green Deal (Energy Company Obligation) The ECO funding is a £1.3 billion annual amount that the energy companies have to spend to make energy savings in buildings and cut carbon emissions.This ECO is split into three parts, the CSCo part (Carbon Saving Community obligation) accounts for about £190 million per year and can fund such things as cavity wall insulation, loft insulation and solid wall insulation as well as other measures in these lowest 15% LSOAs. Lots of insulation companies made money on the now ended CERT scheme which similarly subsidised loft and cavity wall insulation before the Green Deal and ECO replaced them this year. Due to the lack of take up so far by the public of the Green Deal a lot of these companies are now targeting the CSCo qualifying LSOA areas and trying to pick off the easy carbon such as loft insulation etc. which is a possible reason why they are calling on your door. If you have a solid walled house be aware that if you ever want to get the walls insulated the viability of the funding depends on the overall carbon you can save on all measures in the property, so the picking off of the low hanging fruit such as loft top ups now may make getting the more expensive measures done later, such as wall insulation less tenable.A reputable insulation company knocking on your door should be considering the whole house in terms of energy efficiency measures and not just the easy loft insulation IMO.
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