Serious threat to Sydenham Road improvements

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Overall what is your view on Lewisham's Sydenham Road plan

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Post by admin »

This is not the first attack on the TCM and this does put me in a difficulty. First I believe the TCM may not be in a position to defend herself here so I unwillingly take on that role.

The issues is indelibly linked with the role of the TCM itself. Many of you know that the TCM role is shared out between several (is it still five?) town centres. That's a day a week for Sydders tops.

Secondly the TCM has very little executive power and even less budget. The role of the TCM is to offer advice, convey information and try and co-ordinate things. There is no way that a TCM by themselves can hope to make a significant impact on Sydenham's opportunities and issues without real co-operation and support from the community and council. And either is no guarantee.

Sniping at the TCM for issues that may be beyond their control takes us nowhere and can only be dispiriting for the post incumbent. So have a go at me instead. I WILL answer back!

Admin :twisted:
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Post by Ulysses »

OK then.

Given I am one of the ones who has taken a pot-shot I may as well have the courage of my convictions...a bit of a Q&A if you like. I would use the term roleplay but that's taken on a different meaning I fear.

1) As TCM for Sydders what is it that you actually do?

2) No, not what are the purported remits of your role but what do you actually specifically and physically do for Sydders? We are aware you are responsible for a number of town centres and can give us limited time in the working week but please describe, say, "A Day In The Life Of Sydenham's TCM".

3) Why are you something of an enigma? You don't answer correspondence .

4) Why do local traders joke to local residents that the only time you grace us with your presence is when the 'trick or treat' parade on Sydenham Road is happening. Please note that the traders initiate this conversation thread and then go on to explain that they also suffer '3'. This does not represent any perception or prejudice on behalf of this poster but, if true, is a truly sorry state of affairs.

5) What do you think about perhaps being more visible. You need only ask to find us Syddersins (a bit overly Socialist but has a certain ring to it!) a fairly helpful and keen bunch. Maybe a once-monthly piece on the STF or somewhere? Maybe telling us what we can do to help YOU or what your pain-points have been that month [estate agent's boards/another trader putting things on their shops that contravene the Conservation status of Sydenham Road] least that way we know you are working for us and/or need our help. Perhaps even show us that you care?

6) Why am I so bothered? Are we so browbeaten by the current state of Sydenham Road and is this some plan to make me not care anymore?

That should do it from my point of view.
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Post by admin »

Here is how I would answer if I were TCM.

1) As TCM for Sydders what is it that you actually do?

See: ... rategy.htm

2) No, not what are the purported remits of your role but what do you actually specifically and physically do for Sydders? We are aware you are responsible for a number of town centres and can give us limited time in the working week but please describe, say, "A Day In The Life Of Sydenham's TCM".

"A day in the Week!". See above.

3) Why are you something of an enigma? You don't answer correspondence .

Well I have met Julie at most of the Sydenham organised council meetings I've been to - and use that occasion to have a word. I often see her walking the street albeit sometimes being frogmarched by SydSoc people also making input.

4) Why do local traders joke to local residents that the only time you grace us with your presence is when the 'trick or treat' parade.

Because (see above) that is a joke.

5) What do you think about perhaps being more visible.

Subtle thing here - we want the TCM to sort the various Council departments to do all sorts of stuff. If she succeeds - they take the credit, if they fail the TCM gets the blame. They have the authority, budget and filing cabinets of policies. She only has persuasion.

6) Why am I so bothered? Are we so browbeaten by the current state of Sydenham Road and is this some plan to make me not care anymore?

The TCM can, at best, do only a little to change Council decisions. She can be source of info on how the council works - if you use her. She is only a small part of the partnership (for the lack of a better word) between community and council:

At the top is the mayor - the only person who can really institute new policy, move budgets etc. He covers a huge borough, many functions and wants to be re-elected. Not much time for the nuts & bolts of Sydenham Road.

Your elected councillors - two are active and one is in the the mayor's cabinet so having the power of persuasion at the top. Putting party politics aside I would suggest we are not unlucky with these two (I can't speak for the third who is, to use your word, an enigma to me too).

Sydenham Assembly - with at least 100 residents per meeting probably the strongest Assembly within the borough

SydSoc - your local civic pressure group, with 1100 members a strong and sometimes progressive force most other parts of the borough don't have.

Yes, Sydenham Road is a mess. All the above, plus the traders themselves have an equal or bigger role than the TCM in getting it sorted. Which is why pinning failure on the TCM is IMHO a bit strong.

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Post by shell1 »

I have seen the proposed plans in the display and found them extremely helpful and informative. They have my whole-hearted support to what can only be positive developments for all local residents and businesses.
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Post by Ronski »

I assume that document was written in 2007 as it's the 2007-2010 plan, hardly up to date information is it? Doesn't really explain why the TCM doesn't post on this forum, even if it was once a month to update the residents of Sydenham what she's been up to, successes or failures, what the next 3 months they hope to achieve etc? If there is work going on behind the scenes so to speak it would be nice to hear about it.

Perhaps with a bit of forum posting they wouldn't have such a bad reputation on this forum (I don't think I've read a single positive thread?) or for Sydenham, regardless if this reputation is deserved or not.

Admin perhaps you can put this to them the next time an opportunity arises? :wink:

Anyway regardless I hope the High Street development starts asap!
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Post by Marathon »

Just so Ulysses doesn’t think he’s alone on this one, I also agree with his points. I see very little point to having a TCM for Sydenham if their powers are limited in the way that Admin outlines.

I wasn’t aware that there was a Lewisham Town Centres Strategy, so thanks Admin for posting the link. The strategy provides 5 key objectives (business development support, environmental improvements, marketing and promotion, community safety and sustainability), with the overarching objective being to promote the viability and vitality of the borough’s town centres. And it’s all good stuff; but apart from the Sydenham Road development, which is highly visible, how is the TCM going forward with the other objectives? Leenewham seems to have done more for promoting business with his excellent ‘What ifs?’ on the forum!

I think Ulysses’s 5th point is key – a regular update from Julie on what initiatives are being followed to achieve the objectives outlined in the town centres strategy document would be very well received here. Once a month is surely not too much to ask? Otherwise what else are we to think than the strategy is just an empty puff piece given the current state of the High Street?

Or maybe the only way to find out is through the Freedom of Information Act?
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Post by admin »

TCM Julie did indeed give a regular 3 monthly report on her activities to the old Regeneration public meetings and could be openly questioned on those and other matters.

This has now been subsumed into the Sydenham Assembly which does not give the TCM, the Police and others the regular opportunity to report and be examined. I think that a shame. If you agree you might want to raise it at the next Assembly.

Chris Best
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Post by Chris Best »

I have asked the Town Centre Manager to come along to our next Sydenham Assembly meeting on Thursday 3 December and join in the round table discussion on trading in Sydenham. For a general update on Sydenham issues please see my Autumn Newsletter here.

I will put up a thread on the Sydenham Assembly and we are going to have space for an information update after the round table discussions. We do have a Sydenham Town Centre Steering Group that meets quarterly and the Sydenham Traders Association are now working on a web site. I hope that once the web site is complete we can post up the latest news. Yes more needs to be done but the Town Centre Manager is working on Sydenham issues two days a week on Tuesdays and Fridays.
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Post by Marathon »

Chris thanks for the info.
Tim Lund
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Post by Tim Lund »

Marathon writes:
Or maybe the only way to find out is through the Freedom of Information Act?
Given what seems to be Council policy on communications, I sometimes think of following this route myself. If it is so restrictive that even when people want to work with the Council, they think of the FOI Act, then it is clearly failing.
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Post by poppy »

Cllr Best, I saw her give one of her updates at one of the former regen meetings and it just seemed like an oppertunity to give her a pat on the back for filling vacant shops. I recall no mention of anything else!

Also, two days seems like quite a lot of time to get things done.

I noticed in Southwark borough (I think it was Lordship Lane) the other week that they had 'Shop Local' banners along the high street, similar to our recycling ones. It would be great if we could get something like this when the xmas decorations come down.

East Dulwich's shop local bags also put ours to shame. You see them in use all the time, they are made of sisal or some similar material, I haven't seen one person with the cloth ones Lewisham council produced. But maybe it would seem daft to have good quality bags when the high street is in such a dire state.
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Post by Ulysses »

poppy: I for one shall be attending on the 3rd of December. I have tended to avoid Assembly meetings but feel compelled to stop being a rent-a-gob and find out if my views are valid and have any substance to them.

By that I mean I, and several others, do not currently feel our TCM is doing a very good job. Let's see if this is valid and actually allow the lady to tell us what she does or doesn't do for us? We may be pleasantly surprised.

I'd implore anyone else who feels the same to follow suit and come along on the 3rd.

Cllr Best: I'd imagine if this is a 'round table' rather than a 'panel debate' there'll be no opportunity for audience questions? If so, no matter. I'm keen to hear some of Julie's plans and visions for our town centre. I look forward to lots of points from Julie.
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Post by LewishamCouncil »

Lewisham Council is of the view that it is not appropriate or acceptable to launch complaints about individual Council officers using public online forums. Legitimate complaints about services provided by the Council or its staff should be lodged using our formal complaints procedure.
Helen Hilton, Online Engagement Officer (
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Post by Annie »

:( Beware big brother is watching! :roll:

Bit heavy Helen
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Post by admin »

I don't think we need dig any deeper holes on this folks. I'm closing the thread. PM me if there is a problem with this.
