Closure of Sydenham Library

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Pat Trembath
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Closure of Sydenham Library

Post by Pat Trembath »

On the Agenda for next week's Mayor and Cabinet meeting is the item asking for approval of the closure of Sydenham Library.

Has there been any consultation? If there has been none has come my way. Was it being discussed behind the scenes at the last Sydenham Road Regeneration Partnership meeting, chaired by Chris Best?

What are our local councillors doing about this? On 24 September 2004 they were all present at Sydenham Library's 100th birthday celebrations, as was Jim Dowd MP. Cllr Chris Best is a member of the Mayor's Cabinet - is she going to vote in favour on 19th October? Perhaps our local councillors can tell us their attitude to this threat?

Surely it is not going to be a case of 101 and out!

Watch out at next year's local elections in May - Bell Green, Forest Hill Pools and Sydenham Library are big local issues where local opinion needs to be courted, not alienated, as I am sure political opponents will be well aware

This is a personal posting, I am angry. Sydenham Society has not had time to discuss its policy - however I have a fair idea of the position it will adopt
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Post by stuart »

Bell Green to get a mammoth DIY store..
Bell Green to lose a place of learning?

What have we done wrong to deserve this? Books, to me, are the central repository of our knowledge, the physical embodiment of civilisation. To banish them would be a real dumbing down of Sydenham.

I try to keep Sydenham Town impartial on major issues - but not on this one! I'll give anyone space to justify it but at this moment you will have a helluva job!

You can look back here to just a year ago when our MP & councillors were espousing its virtues. Let's hope they remember that next week:

Chris Best
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Officer proposals to close Sydenham Library

Post by Chris Best »

I am writing to confirm that I will not be supporting the officer proposals to close Sydenham Library. Officers were asked to draft proposals to achieve a savings target of £10m. The draft proposals set out savings of 3%, 5% and 7% of controllable budgets. At the 7% end is a saving of £165k to close Sydenham Library. I have already spoken against this at the Social Inclusion Scrutiny meeting on 5 October (and received the full support of the Committee) and will do again at the Mayor and Cabinet meeting on the 19 October. Officers have to do their job in setting out proposals - it does not mean that they will always be accepted!

Cllr Chris Best
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Post by nasaroc »

It's commendable that Lewisham council is looking at ways to control its budget. But it seems incredible that officers were ever given permission to include the closing of local libraries in their cost savings. Of course, people like Cllr Best will now attempt to persuade you that this was a "mistake" and that it can be opposed by right-thinking individuals like herself.

But Cllr Best isn't an "outsider". As a member of the Lewisham Cabinet she's right at the heart of decision-making in Lewisham council. She was there when the Cabinet approved a cost-cutting exercise which included our public libraries. To now pose as an "outsider" who is enraged that this has happened is ludicrous.

What people in Sydenham want to see is regeneration of this area - and there's little sign of that coming from our present bunch of local councillors - not political bungling.
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Post by nasaroc »

Of course, this also raises the point as to why Cllr Best failed to raise this issue at the recent regeneration meeting or to discuss it with anyone else in the community? She clearly knew about the issue at the time judging from the dates mentioned on her e mail.

This was an ideal time to raise the issue and for Cllr Best to reassure locals that she had the matter in hand before it blew up later - as it now seems to have done.

Perhaps the real reason is that Cllr Best wanted to sweep things under the carpet and hope nobody realised. There is a local election coming up you know!
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Post by Ella »

Once again I agree with nasaroc. For too long our local councillors have taken their election as a god given right. I feel we, as local residents, have been let down once again by our elected representatives. No doubt there will now be a 'public consultation' and we all know what that means! The local library is an important asset to the community and even the thought that closure is being considered makes me see red. Hopefully via this site and with the help of the Sydenham Society this proposed closure can be stopped.
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Re: Officer proposals to close Sydenham Library

Post by stuart »

Chris Best wrote:I am writing to confirm that I will not be supporting the officer proposals to close Sydenham Library.
Thank you for that Chris. But two questions:

1) The Mayor said, last week, there was no threat to close Forest Hill Library (but didn't mention Sydenham!). Why is Forest Hill safe and Sydenham at risk?

2) I hope we can take your vote as given. The issue is can you secure the support of the labour group - and of other councillors that have parts of Sydenham in their patch or in the Library's catchment area - ie Forest Hill & Perry Vale?

This is an important fight. Are you in a winning position before it gets to cabinet?

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Post by Bryan »

I'm no fan of Councillor Chris Best, who I think is hopeless in most respects, but she and the Council are in a difficult position. If they judge a need to make budget savings of £10m, then of course officers would have to identify possible sources for savings, put them into some priority order, and then present the results to Cabinet for a political decision.

At what stage should the Council consult in that process? Not much point in doing so, as I see it, before the Council has taken a decision in principle (I assume it will be on that basis) to pursue a particular range of cuts from the many possibilities presented to them. If I'm right, then I wouldn't get too hot under the collar about Councillor Best's silence on the matter so far.

A decision in principle to close Syd Library (if that's what happens) should signal the start of a consultation process which, if there is sufficient weight of local opinion against the idea, could result in the library remaining open.

Meantime I suggest readers have a look (on Lewisham's website) at the wide range of spending cut possibilities that officers have developed, and consider how many of those relate to front line social services or educational provision. Where would you wield the axe in order to save the Library?

Bryan Leslie
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Post by nasaroc »

What most of us are complaining about is that a decision to close Sydenham library is before the next mayor and cabinet meeting without any local councillor having made this public. Indeed they appear to have deliberately witheld this information from us. It was only made public when Pat Trembath spotted this on a council agenda on the Lewisham web site. If, as Bryan suggests, we wait until after the decision to make our feelings known, it will probably be too late and reversing the decision will be an uphill battle.

Bryan then seems to suggest that we act not just as judge and jury but as executioner in deciding where to wield the cuts. I don't see why we should be diverted in our opposition to the closure of a vital public amenity by such logic. I'm not a supplier of public services (I leave that to the council), I'm a consumer. I don't want to investigate how it is that our local council have so bodged their finances that they are contemplating shutting a library - that's for the council and for the voters to sort out. All I know is that I don't want Sydenham library to close. And I'm certainly not going to take up Bryan's offer to help the council make such cuts.
Pat Trembath
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Post by Pat Trembath »

Just a small but very important point.

The Agenda for tomorrow's Mayor and Cabinet meeting (which is published on Lewisham Council's web-site) shows that they need to agree a reduction of £10m budgetary cuts to be put to the full Council on 26 October for agreement.

At 7.10.7 is the item Closure of Sydenham Library; savings of £165,000, representing savings from Staffing Costs £105,000, Running Costs £ 35,000 and Stock £25,000 and with an acknowledgement that Redundancy Costs are unknown.

One of the reasons for possible closure is quoted as the Library is "poorly sited which limits its potential to increase present custom". This comment is surely contentious and Sydenham Society would question this statement?

The reasons for closure provide no suggestion as to how how an important local and well used amenity could increase its present usage and needs to involve the local residents in this discussion.

As an old, and quite long toothed campaigner, I want to be at the bus stop BEFORE the bus arrives, demanding that the driver stops and takes me aboard. It is pretty pointless arriving at the bus stop to see the bus disappearing into the distance.
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Post by stuart »

Tonight is decision night. Some quotes from today's New Shopper:

Sydenham Society chairman Pat Trembath said: "I'm angry. It is a much-used library in a highly residential area. The people taking decisions in high places don't know how the community use this library."

Haseltine and Our Lady and St Philip Neri primaries are two of the schools in the area which visit the library. Haseltine's deputy headteacher Ellie Whilby said: "It's outrageous. Children go there every day it is open."

Full story here: It also reveals it has been discussed in council since September 27th. Something our councillors chose not to share with their community.

Sydenham Town is politically independent. But if our councillors do not do their job tonight - which is more than casting their personal vote - it is ensuring their comrades kill the idea - we will be asking this question tomorrow:

If they cannot keep our library - why should we keep them?
We trust May 2006 might concentrate the mind.

Let's pray it does not come to that.

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Post by stuart »

Below is an email I sent to the Mayor. I hope other people are lobbying too.


I am writing to ask you to vote against the proposal to close Sydenham Library tonight.

I was at the FH Pools meeting when you gave the assurance that FH Library was not at risk, but given that probably half the audience was from Sydenham made no mention Sydenham Library's fate was being discussed in council.

The Public Library is a fundamental part of the LA in a community. It is expressly there to give people access to information or literature not available in the home. It has been stated that Sydenham Library is not ideally located - quite the contrary! It is in the most deprived part of SE26. While the council proposes an iconic residential presence in the Bell Green Phase 2 redevelopment - removing a facility only a few hundred yards away beforehand doesn't suggest joined up thinking.

Sydenham Town is politically independent. But not community independent. If you do take the decision to keep Sydenham Library at risk - you will, I fear, alienate our community, and we are bound to reflect that. I hope that will not happen for £165,000 when I have just seen one of your officers squander £250,000 on an ill conceived project that was quietly canned inside six months.

I also wanted to send copies of this note to our councillors - but their contact details have disappeared from the Lewisham website page: ... illors.asp

In trust & hope,

Webmaster: Sydenham Town -
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Post by stuart »

As you can see from the frontpage - our library survived last night's cut along with (according to a note from Cllr Chris Best) Classical Music, Broadway Theatre, Lewisham in Bloom and more.

Chris is hoping to draw up a fuller report tonight and the Mayor's office will also be sending us something. Meanwhile I think I can detect a collective sigh of relief ...

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Post by LoneRanger »

Can I congratulate you for obtaining some interesting explainations from Cllr. Best & The Mayor regarding the 'closure of Sydenham Library'.

It's interesting to compare their communications with the press release from the council where the Mayor is portrayed as a saviour who single handed saved the library & Blackheath fireworks when they came under threat from . . . the Mayor.

Considering the report before the Mayor was at his request to make savings of £10M the press release reminded me of that famous e-mail 'today is a good day to bury bad news.' There is no mention of the £5.3M savings/cuts approved by the Mayor which will affect the most needy and vunerable in the community.
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Closure of Sydenham Library

Post by maria1971 »

I have just logged on to this forum having been away for a few months.

I am deeply saddened to see that Sydenham Library may be closed - I spent most of my childhood in this library and have very found memories of this place.

Please could someone tell me is sydenham library to be closed?
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