Lewisham Council

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Lewisham Council


NOC eh -no change there then :lol:
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Post by stone-penge »

I can almost hear the tumble weed bowling down Sydenham high street as the politicians sweep the area under the carpet again.
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Post by stuart »


NOC is No Overall Control in Lewisham which is a long way from one of the strongest Labour majorities in London. The split is now 26 Labour, 17 LibDems, 6 Greens, 3 Cons & 2 SWAT

However the balance of control probably lies with the two Socialist Workers. If they align with Labour, and with a Labour Mayor - Labour may be able to govern on. Albeit under the final control of Socialists.

Socialists running Labour? Is this a dream, nightmare or what?

Chris Best
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Post by Chris Best »

I wanted to say a big thank you to everyone in Sydenham who supported me and voted for the Labour Party. I know Steve will continue to work hard for everyone living, working and learning in Lewisham and that he will continue to join me on our regular walkabouts in Sydenham. Of course I have covered more ground than usual in the election campaign and I now have a list of issues that I will press home in the coming weeks and months.

The next quarterly Sydenham Regeneration Partnership meeting is on Thursday 8 June starting at 7pm in the Naborhood Centre. I will feedback on the issues raised at the last Area Forum (23 February) - Peak Hill traffic issues and the outstanding planning application as well as the priority to "green" Sydenham.

Please let me know of other local issues you would like on the agenda - the meeting dates for the rest of the year are 7 September and 7 December. I can forward plan significant items to discuss - including Bell Green and Forest Hill Pool - and ensure any relevant speakers can attend.
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Post by paulhgc »

oh well we wont be seeing our local mps untill the next time they need our votes except the liberal democrats who show a interest all year round
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Post by Knighton »

Chris Best wrote: I have covered more ground than usual in the election campaign .

No-one I know had sight or sound of a single candidate or even their "party workers". No election addresses from candidates (apart from the mayoral candidates)... Not a single personal statement of policy or intent. No information. :shock: :evil: :(

I wonder why people do not turn out to vote. :roll: :roll: :roll:
Posts: 3643
Joined: 21 Sep 2004 10:13
Location: Lawrie Park

Post by stuart »

Knighton wrote:No election addresses from candidates (apart from the mayoral candidates)... Not a single personal statement of policy or intent.
I am sorry to say I no longer think your postings have any credibility. Either that or you know very few people in Sydenham.

The Labour Party have circulated countless leaflets - enough to be criticised for taking out a small rainforest. The Conservative leaflet will be remembered for its promise to SYDNEHAM (sic). The Green leaflet was .. Green. I can't remember the LibDem leaflet but that may be because it was unremarkable (sorry). Not to mention that Labour, Conservative, Independent & LPA all posted here. All parties did put up a show at the Hustings meeting and all had a campaign website.

Criticising them for what they did say is fair, nay a duty, but to deny they said anything is just plain wrong. It is these unfounded negative attitudes that are increasigly prevelent in your postings. This Forum is supposed to be an enjoyable and informative place to discuss Sydenham (quote from the statement you agreed to). Are you really helping with this?

I'm sure you have a lot to offer if you could take a more constructive approach to supporting the community. You might stand a better chance of persuading people. Until then, please consider taking a timeout.

Posts: 146
Joined: 24 Apr 2006 18:50
Location: sydenham

Post by Knighton »

I say again. Nothing arrived here from any of the local council candidates. We received only information (somewehat brief) about the mayoral candidates. Presumably you monitor the contents of my letter box? I think not.

We do receive mountains of rubbish through the letterbox. All of it is unwelcome but I was looking for election material and would not have missed it. Nothing came. Nothing heard.... No canvassers.... Nothing happened. Hence few voted.

NB This is not confided to Sydenham. It is the experience I have had recounted by people from all over.

What did the political parties spend their money on?
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