Can you tell me.....

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Can you tell me.....

Post by DigitalFX »

Not been on here for a while so here is my little rant....

Following some criminal activities in the the area where I live by kids no older then 15, I would like to know why we pay for and request wanna be Actors to assist us when trouble arises. Sorry, when I say wanna be Actors I mean the Metropolitan Police force and dare I say it the best Actors of all yes you guessed it the PCO's. Anybody else had to call upon the experience of outstanding Actors in your area?

Rant over.....

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Re: Can you tell me.....

Post by bensonby »

What specifically are you alluding to? It's impossible to
comment on your experience without knowing what you're talking about....

Personally, my experience of the met is pretty good. However, judging by
my posting record , it's obvious I'd say that.

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Re: Can you tell me.....

Post by CaptainCarCrash »


I think our right hon' friend is talking about Officer Dibble's/Plastic Plod.

And I must say I agree, its a problem driven by a wishy-washy whimsicle Police force.

CSO is the correct term.

BTW you know when you're getting old when coppers look like kids.
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Re: Can you tell me.....

Post by bensonby »

So give some "wishy washy" real-life examples
that you have examples... I find it difficult to thinknof instances that I can squarely place at the commissioner's door.

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Re: Can you tell me.....

Post by DigitalFX »

In reply to the comments made......

To keep this fair I do not wish to pin point my area or speak of the activites taking place by a bunch of kids as their is now a police investigation going on and other people involved like neighbours, so sorry for the lack of information. I will let you in to this, taking down names and the address of a large bunch of teenagers and using the threat of "if you are seen misbehaving in this area we will send letters to you parents", now come on this is 2010....get a grip.

However a pantommine is how I personally view and credit the met police. I have never held very much respect for the force say 4 out of ten and how I have seen them work of late that now falls to a very big zero. I can give you a very good example of late...

Myself and neighbour late one evening noticed a very large buch of kids fighting outside both our doors, so quite rightly we contacted to police to stop this brawl before somebody got hurt. I was then asked "did the youths have knives or a weapon", now being 23:00 at night in a very dark area I responed with "well I cannot really see, would you like me to go and ask them if they have any knives if you can hold on for a moment". The responce was "well, if a weapon is not involved then we cannot send somebody out.

Of course I replied with "ok thank you for your assistance, I will call you back if one of them get's stabbed or killed as I wold love to have my doorstep turned into a crime scene and maybe featured on crimewatch"

Makes you wonder.....

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Re: Can you tell me.....

Post by bensonby »

DigitalFX wrote: To keep this fair I do not wish to pin point my area or speak of the activites taking place by a bunch of kids as their is now a police investigation going on and other people involved like neighbours, so sorry for the lack of information.
I understand, although without specifics it's difficult to definitively comment. There are many different reasons why the police may respond in certain ways and not in others: it may not always be clear why officers might choose a particular cause of action. That said, they should take the time to explain their actions to the informant/interested parties etc.
I will let you in to this, taking down names and the address of a large bunch of teenagers and using the threat of "if you are seen misbehaving in this area we will send letters to you parents", now come on this is 2010....get a grip.
It is 2010, quite, hence you can't expect a "clip around the ear" or some dubious arrest for anti-social behaviour that doesn't amount to a crime.

It all depends on what the "misbehaving" is doesn't it? Lots of ASB doesn't fall into the category of "crime" so powers are far more limited. All that can be done, there are then, is logging the "trouble makers" - then again it's difficult to comment authoritatively without knowing precisely what happened.
However a pantommine is how I personally view and credit the met police. I have never held very much respect for the force say 4 out of ten and how I have seen them work of late that now falls to a very big zero. I can give you a very good example of late...
well, if you're not happy wit whatever response you have got then complain. It's perfectly easy to do.
Myself and neighbour late one evening noticed a very large buch of kids fighting outside both our doors, so quite rightly we contacted to police to stop this brawl before somebody got hurt. I was then asked "did the youths have knives or a weapon", now being 23:00 at night in a very dark area I responed with "well I cannot really see, would you like me to go and ask them if they have any knives if you can hold on for a moment". The responce was "well, if a weapon is not involved then we cannot send somebody out.
There's clearly more to this than meets the eye: police are regularly dispatched to reports of "fight in progress, no weapons seen". I suppose it may not have been graded top priority and, if it was extremely busy, no-one may have got to it before the "fight" ended.....if that was the case then it comes down to a question of resources: as I've pointed out before, there are sometimes just a couple of cars covering the entire borough.

Out of interest did you ring 999 or another number?

As I've mentioned above, I can't comment much further, nor can anyone, without a better description of what happened and/or some reference numbers that can be married up with the incident.

But as I explained, it's perfectly easy to make a complaint. If there have been shortcomings then how do expect things to change unless people highlight them?
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Re: Can you tell me.....

Post by kennyb »

Food for thought????

Peel-ian principles

The basic mission for which the police exist is to prevent crime and disorder.

The ability of the police to perform their duties is dependent upon the public approval of police actions.

Police must secure the willing co-operation of the public in voluntary observation of the law to be able to secure and maintain the respect of the public.

The degree of co-operation of the public that can be secured diminishes proportionately to the necessity of the use of physical force.

Police seek and preserve public favour not by catering to public opinion, but by constantly demonstrating absolute impartial service to the law.

Police use physical force to the extent necessary to secure observance of the law or to restore order only when the exercise of persuasion, advice, and warning is found to be insufficient.

Police, at all times, should maintain a relationship with the public that gives reality to the historic tradition that the police are the public and the public are the police; the police being only members of the public who are paid to give full-time attention to duties which are incumbent upon every citizen in the interests of community welfare and existence.

Police should always direct their action strictly towards their functions, and never appear to usurp the powers of the judiciary.

The test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with it.

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Re: Can you tell me.....

Post by girl_canuck »

Have to agree with DigitalFX. The two days after our house was burgled, we found our computer on gumtree, being sold only a few streets away. The police led us on for days, telling us they were going to "look into it". After a week of us phoning the police every day, they finally admitted that they don't follow up gumtree posts, because the seller would recognise their phone number as being the police station. :roll: I asked why they don't just buy a PAYG phone so they could make an anonymous call - and they replied that that is "too difficult logistically". Seriously.

Makes you wonder - is that stupidity or laziness? I realise they are under funded - but it really makes me feel like there is absolutely no point to them even existing. The people who burgled our house were selling a load of stolen goods online - the cops could have cracked down on a large operation. But they just couldn't get it together.
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Re: Can you tell me.....

Post by bensonby »

As I said before...if you are not happy with the service received then make a complaint. How else do you expect things to change if your experience hasn't lived up to reasonable expectations?

and for every one of your bad experiences (and I'm not suggesting they didn't happen) I can quote you several success stories.
Last edited by bensonby on 31 Oct 2010 19:09, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Can you tell me.....

Post by bensonby »

kennyb wrote:Food for thought????

Peel-ian principles
We all know Robert Peel's list....albeit probably a modern (1956) fabrication. It's a nice idea ideological starting point for any police service. I especially like these two:

Police seek and preserve public favour not by catering to public opinion, but by constantly demonstrating absolute impartial service to the law.


he police are the public and the public are the police; the police being only members of the public who are paid to give full-time attention to duties which are incumbent upon every citizen in the interests of community welfare and existence.

the problem is the last one:

The test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with it.

has been proved by criminologists to be pretty patently untrue.
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Re: Can you tell me.....

Post by kennyb »

has been proved by criminologists to be pretty patently untrue.
Of course I forgot, criminologists, those well known thief takers........

I love ologists they will prove /disprove anything you pay them to, sometimes they will even prove the opposite depending on the fee.

If the streets are free of thieves /scum/ lowlife /villainy of every kind I fail to see why that happy state does not demonstrate that the police force that ensures that is not proof of the last para you contend?

What we need is a Police Force that knows how to keep the peace, prevent and detect crime and instill fear of Lawful retribution from authority, to those who would disrupt a peaceful society by their actions.

I have the answer.
It is not welcome here.

My plans for reform of the prison system are available to interested parties.

[off to bed now, I have some cars to weld up early tomorrow before it rains]

Re: Can you tell me.....

Post by DigitalFX »

In reply to your comments....

We all have ideas on how we see and view the Police, however from personal experiences of mine for me, this will never change. We are all fully aware as am I of the tough challenges that they face on our streets, but it's the arrogance in which they do their job. The Police are not respected anymore, police are not seen as approachable people, we are hearing more stories of officers being sued for abuse and mishandling of people where they think they have all the powers of the earth to do, say and act as they see fit ,THEY DON'T, when will people start to realise this.

I spend a lot of my time in town of an evening and there you get a good idea of how the police do their job if you open your eyes and ears. You only have to watch and listen to them. I've seen people being arrested for no reason, I've seen a man get hit by a Police officer to which I reported him and I hear the police talk to people as if they were somthing on the botttom of their shoe. From experiences like this, would you respect our boys in blue?

Last year myself and friend had been out in town a friend who suffers from Diabetes, she had an attack. We were approached by a copper who was convienced my friend was drunk even though I said that she just needed some Sugar if we could just get her to a shop which would help her. He called for back up, threw her into a van as if she was drunk and not until I arrived at the police station to where she had been taken did I see an Ambulance for her. He had no intention of listening to me which explained her drunk actions or offered any medicial assistance. Now with Police like this on our streets, are we really in safe hands? If your wondering, yes my friend recovered within the hour and yes, I did complain.

We call on the Police to assist us and deal with siuations beyound our control, however in my experience the Police only make matter worst and inflame what can sometimes be a very calm situation. They fail to listern to understand the cause of a situation as action speaks louder than words.
I am sure that there are people reading this who have had a good encounter and experience with the Police and praise them to the earth. Of course my words do not apply to every single copper that walkes our streets there is good and bad in everybody.

Next time you have to call or asstst the Police, really watch and listern to them, are they really helping you, or not......
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Re: Can you tell me.....

Post by kennyb »

edited to keep the peace :wink:
Last edited by kennyb on 2 Nov 2010 17:55, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Can you tell me.....

Post by DigitalFX »

Ahhh I see...A wanna be copper lol...
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