Paxton Court Problems

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Paxton Court Problems

Post by SMODGE »

Shout out to anyone affected by 1 Paxton Court- years of trouble for Adamsrill Road and Paxton Court residents from the occupier of this flat. After months of work he was evicted and closure order put in place- now Lewisham Homes have let him back in.

Problems: drug dealers day and night outside flat- often in broad daylight outside of Adamsrill School
Drug users cooking drugs in street, people's front gardens.
Threats of violence toward residents
Constant theft from cars
Frequent home burglaries
Constant noise pollution all hours
Parade of criminals hanging around in street.

Residents worked so hard to get this resolved, now Lewisham Homes have let him return. Three long term local families have been forced to relocate because of these problems.

Please address complaints to: MP for Lewisham Lewisham mayor.

Paxton Court is located at the bottom end of Adamsrill Road. The building is for low income families and has some vulnerable people living there, who are all being terrorised by this guy and his cronies. The police have done nothing, Lewisham Homes are doing nothing and we're left paying the price. Please notify above people and police if you are affected, or witness any drug deals or crimes being carried out
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Re: Paxton Court Problems

Post by stuart »

Smodge - I share your pain. Or rather I DID share your pain.

The takeover of the former NatWest Hostel in Lawrie Park Road by Hackney in the 1980s brought with it an unprecedented crime wave as, presumably, they used it to house folks they didn't want in Hackney. We suffered 13 burglaries in 10 years. The repeated waking to hear someone moving about downstairs (should I go down and confront them?) or that call from the alarm company on holiday (do I abandon and return home?) made life a bit of a misery.

It ended when the hostel was closed and sold off - it is now the Cricketer's Walk development. Realistically it didn't end - the problem was just moved somewhere else. Out of sight, out of mind.

I'm guessing Lewisham Homes, with their legal obligations, have only the choice of where they house the perpetrators. Which bit of Lewisham takes the hit. They have to be housed somewhere or put in prison.

Which brings us to the police and the law. Trouble is their is ample evidence enforcement isn't working and, arguably, making it worse. Being asked to act like firefighters putting out fires by methods that make arson more profitable and, hence, attractive.

There are, many experts agree, policies that could reduce the problem and consequent misery. But they tend to be expensive up front and be politically difficult. Hypothesising - if Lewisham sponsored a state of the art drug rehabilitation centre in Paxton Court paid for by selling off Sydenham Library - then that might get support from some in Adamsrill Road - but not from many in the rest of Sydenham. Hence the impasse.

Sorry to be so negative. Trouble is, understanding why other people may not be inclined to help much in sorting this local issue is no help to you. But please keep banging on. Until the rest of the community cannot hide from the problem by isolating it in pockets with little voice - nothing will change.

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Re: Paxton Court Problems

Post by RubyE »

Good luck Smudge

We have a similar problem on our estate, also managed by Lewisham Homes. Been going on for years, can't think of a time when we didn't have that problem. The police used to deal with our problem but I haven't seen an officer anywhere near the offending property for years.

Our problem is left to get on with their drug dealing in the open, near where the local kids play. They don't care. There is no attempt to hide what they are doing. Their customers have turned the area near their property into a cesspit. One decided he was going to live rough so he had easy access to his dealer. Police were quick to deal with that incident but not the root cause. Us residents filed a group complaint a few weeks ago. Whether or not LH did something but I did hear our problem arguing that they couldn't afford to lose the flat. So perhaps there is hope for you and us.

However, if I even dare think about leaving the smallest object outside my door for a brief moment, Lewisham are extremely quick pounce on me with a legal notice. Dare I mention the cesspit problem property, apparently that's different.

Again, good luck
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Re: Paxton Court Problems

Post by SMODGE »

thanks for the responses, sorry to see Ruby you have similar problems- I have raised a complaint with LH and messaged Ellie Reeves, our MP, and the Lewisham Mayor, and LH ASB but so far have only received a response from Ellie Reeves' caseworker, who has been very proactive and raised the issue with LH and the police- it might benefit you doing the same- don't know what will come of it yet, but hopefully that external pressure will help.

Lewisham Homes just seem to focus on the small easy problems like you said, pouncing in minor stuff while ignoring the big stuff- hopeless.

Good luck with your case, I hope it gets resolved- keep us posted if any updates. I think the group complaint was a good idea.
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Re: Paxton Court Problems

Post by Plantingpotting »

I live nearby and would be interested in joining a group complaint. Please DM me if anything comes of this. In the meantime I'll contact those suggested in your OP.

Many thanks for being proactive regarding this. It's easy to feel helpless.
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Re: Paxton Court Problems

Post by Donut »

Thanks both for being proactive. I too live nearby and have witnessed many unsavoury antics from this resident and his associates.
I would also be interested in any group complaint or pressure that can be brought on LH to remedy the anti social actions of their tenant.
I suggest we are all vigilant and report any issues caused by this individual and his friends to the addresses provided by Smodge and crimestoppers, if appropriate. Thanks again both for posting, hopefully more local residents will see your post and wish to take part.
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Re: Paxton Court Problems

Post by SMODGE »

Hi guys great, yeah definitely email the people on the list- have only had replies from Ellie Reeves office, the more the better. We did a big campaign last year and got him evicted, we can do it again....
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Re: Paxton Court Problems

Post by SMODGE »

Hi again- now would be a good time to email- with any info on this- time of the essence as he's threatened an old lady recently and LH are looking to take action. Anything current or historical will help

Many thanks
Just John
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Re: Paxton Court Problems

Post by Just John »

SMODGE wrote: 25 Jul 2022 12:25 Hi guys great, yeah definitely email the people on the list- have only had replies from Ellie Reeves office, the more the better. We did a big campaign last year and got him evicted, we can do it again....
from her office perhaps. You will wait a long time to get anything from the MP herself. She is a perpetual absentee MP
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Re: Paxton Court Problems

Post by JGD »

Not so.

Ellie Reeves is a diligent constituency MP.

Responsive and has a significant "reach-out" capability constantly seeking constituents' views.
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Re: Paxton Court Problems

Post by mikej »

JGD said Ellie Reeves is a diligent constituency MP.

Responsive and has a significant "reach-out" capability constantly seeking constituents' views.

Totally agree. She's great.
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Re: Paxton Court Problems

Post by stuart »

So do I. A welcome change from her predecessor. It's a pity nearly all votes go to the party - not the candidate.

The predecessor's predecessor was also a good constuency MP - from the opposite party.

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Re: Paxton Court Problems

Post by alywin »

Quite agree on all counts.

And last year, after I complained by email to all the relevant councillors about the noise and disruption from the festivals in Crystal Palace, and cc'd her in, who did I get a response from? Ellie Reeves. Not from any of the councillors whose wards were directly affected.
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