RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

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Re: #RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

Post by Steveofsyd »

Wouldn't be surprised if squatters moved in soon!
I completely understand about the new owners wanting to sort out planning permission for some beautification but that should not stop the rest of the fit out. Why not do the rest of the work so that you can take advantage of the summer months and earn some money.
In addition you would also have an established clientele come Christmas and take early bookings.
At this rate they won't be ready for the biggest earning periods and we will have a lovely pub just in time for the quiet early months of 2018.
Last time I can remember being there was having drinks outside with my stag party waiting for a coach to pick us up. Think that was 20 odd years ago!
The Great Pyramid took less time to build!
This whole debacle has been a disgrace from start to fin.... oops not finished.
Frankly I pity the new owners having to deal with Lewisham.
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Re: #RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

Post by JMLF »

This is not my opinion but time and time again, either on the forum or through other locals in person I have consistently been told that the Sydenham Society have not been helpful in supporting progressive change and new things. In some instances people have stated that they outright have not only not supported things but also actively been part of the opposite and almost supporting things from not happening.

Again, this is not my view but surely something is very wrong if a number of different sources state concerns that one of the main supporting groups for the areas development are in fact not doing so and dare I say it are actively opposed to supporting projects that don't fit in with their personal view of Sydenham rather than what is functional, different, new and may benefit others.

I did post something rather similar last year but felt again it needed to be brought to people's attention that something appears amiss...
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#RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

Post by biscuitman1978 »

prince wrote:What was, for a short while, looking great is now beginning to look neglected. Herris fencing is falling down, weeds are growing with abundance, pigeons are causing a mess and it is now subject to graffiti.

It would be nice if those who know the new owner might contact them to encourage some real positive action to address these problems and start to look after the building.
Sydenhamman wrote:What the heck is happening? Perhaps the Sydenham Society, who were very active in the campaign, could help get something done. I agree the place is beginning to look very tatty - such a shame!
I can only point you in the direction of the Tweet on 20 June 2017 to which I've referred at least twice before (this time with emphasis added):
@TheGreyhoundSyd wrote:Update: new owners were on site yesterday, finalising internal fit out plans. On schedule to start on site July! #Sydenham #se26 #kirkdale
If people are concerned about whether the building remains secure and that the building is becoming tatty (which are perfectly legitimate concerns), I strongly recommend that you raise your concerns with the Sydenham Society and ask them to pass on those concerns to the owner of the pub. You can email
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Re: #RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

Post by Pally »

JMLF wrote:This is not my opinion but time and time again, either on the forum or through other locals in person I have consistently been told that the Sydenham Society have not been helpful in supporting progressive change and new things. In some instances people have stated that they outright have not only not supported things but also actively been part of the opposite and almost supporting things from not happening.

Again, this is not my view but surely something is very wrong if a number of different sources state concerns that one of the main supporting groups for the areas development are in fact not doing so and dare I say it are actively opposed to supporting projects that don't fit in with their personal view of Sydenham rather than what is functional, different, new and may benefit others.

I did post something rather similar last year but felt again it needed to be brought to people's attention that something appears amiss...
I have had similar comments made to me!
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Re: #RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

Post by Steveofsyd »

And me.
Other residents who have dipped in have been scared off. Too much bile...or people trying to compete in either insulting, politicising, intellectualising, or just complaining.
Look at some of the threads - what have they achieved? As a percentage, very little that has actually added to the area or moved things along.
Makes me sad
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Re: #RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

Post by gillyjp »

I have to agree with this - not sure what the Sydenham Society do to be perfectly honest. All you get when you ask questions of them is things like 'privileged information - can't divulge anything about this'. Really?? Who do they represent exactly? Have they been voted in by Sydenham residents or are they a self-styled, self-appointed grandiose board of people who think they know better than anyone else in Sydenham. Do they really represent the local community?? What have they actually achieved to the benefit of Sydenham residents. All that appears to happen is that when they get involved any progress seems to go at a snails pace or stop completely. I maybe being completely out of order here but perhaps they need a shake-up??
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Re: #RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

Post by simon »

I suggest you read Pat Trembath's post. How anyone can accuse them of holding up the greyhound development amazes me. If it hadn't been for the Sydenham Society there would be no greyhound building there at all. They have 1,200 members, while we have Sydenham Ward Councillors elected with less than 1,000 votes.
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Re: #RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

Post by gillyjp »

I have now read Pat's post and would take issue with the claim that it was the Sydenham Society who single handedly got the no.of units at Cobbs Court reduced from 70. Actually it was the immediate neighbours who achieved that particular result through active campaigning when the Sydenham Society appeared to support the original plans. I recall quite a few officers from Lewisham Council actually coming into my home to see for themselves the effect on neighbouring properties of the original plans. I recall at a particular consultation meeting they were saying how great the plans were.

Yes wonderful that they managed to 'save' the Greyhound pub which has remained empty for 10 years. The quality of the design of the flats because of their insistence to retain the Greyhound was appalling. A much better development could have been achieved if the pub had been demolished. Instead we have had a greatly reduced Greyhound - all the extensions were demolished - that no one is interested in because it is too small. The best thing coming out of all of this is the Sainsburys Local and I do recall not many people wanted that. However it continues to be a roaring success and just what Sydenham needs.
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Re: #RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

Post by biscuitman1978 »

gillyjp wrote:Instead we have had a greatly reduced Greyhound - all the extensions were demolished - that no one is interested in because it is too small.
That simply isn't true.The Greyhound has been acquired by an established pub operator who is currently finalising internal fit out plans.
Pat Trembath
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Re: #RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

Post by Pat Trembath »

I didn't claim the Sydenham Society single-handedly got the number of units reduced at Cobbs Court and I can state quite categorically that at no stage did we appear to support the original plans. The fact that local residents were also objecting strengthened the arguments against the proposals.

In early 2007 we met with Milford Group the original owners/developers prior to their planning application being submitted and were horrified to see the plans and told them firmly that we would be objecting strongly to their plans if submitted. In fact we had two meetings and saw four set of plans which were variations on the same theme - bland residential flats (in one set of plans rising to 8-storeys high).

In April 2007 we learned that all four of the draft schemes had been rejected by Lewisham's Design Team which said that the developers should take into account the height and massing of the area around Cobbs Corner.

Milford gave staff at The Greyhound 2 weeks notice on 30 July as they were going to close the pub down. On August 9 members of the Sydenham Society met the developers for a third time along with Cllr Chris Best. The developers again refused to give an undertaking not to demolish until planning permission was in place. After this meeting the Society's full campaign strategy was employed and we were pleased when several local residents, non-members, came forward to help.

The Sydenham Society had already been working on a proposed Cobbs Corner Conservation Area which we intended to submit to the council for consideration. This was brought forward and presented to the council and, on 5 September, Lewisham Council formally considered our ideas and granted Conservation Status to the Cobbs Corner area, and listed the The Greyhound 'as being a building of architectural and historic interest'. The fact that the pub was now in a Conservation Area strengthened the council's legal hand when The Greyhound was eventually demolished without prior permission.
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Re: #RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

Post by Sydenham »

Thanks to whoever it was weeding and watering trees and ground outside Greyhound this evening. Good job. Every little helps.
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Re: #RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

Post by mosy »

Sydenham wrote:Thanks to whoever it was weeding and watering trees and ground outside Greyhound this evening. Good job. Every little helps.
"Every little helps"? How patronising. Did you stop to help as you passed by? Or on the other hand, does the owner/future owner or lessee have so little respect for the area and their property that they can't be bothered to keep an eye on it allowing it to show neglect after all the effort to make it "just so"? Clearly they can't. Has anyone asked them why they can't be bothered, assuming they must know its state
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Re: #RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

Post by Pally »

mosy wrote:
Sydenham wrote:Thanks to whoever it was weeding and watering trees and ground outside Greyhound this evening. Good job. Every little helps.
"Every little helps"? How patronising. Did you stop to help as you passed by? Or on the other hand, does the owner/future owner or lessee have so little respect for the area and their property that they can't be bothered to keep an eye on it allowing it to show neglect after all the effort to make it "just so"? Clearly they can't. Has anyone asked them why they can't be bothered, assuming they must know its state
Mosy I agree with you totally about the owner/lessee. But I don't think Sydenham is being patronising, just acknowledging someone's efforts to help , even in a small way!
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Re: #RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

Post by leenewham »

I don't think 'Sydenham' was being patronising either.
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Re: #RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

Post by Sydenham »

Mmmm. Actually many did stop to give +ve comments and also one person gave additional help.

I just wanted to say thank you and publicly acknowledge that this goes on. Heaven forbid it might encourage others to do the same knowing they are not alone.
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Re: #RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

Post by stuart »

Would be nice if the future landlord found you out and slaked your thirst too. Well done Sydenham!

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Re: #RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

Post by mosy »

Sydenham, it was purely your choice of that particular phrase that I found belittling or slightly demeaning since any tidying up of the site to keep it shipshape makes a big difference not a little one. I'm sure we all appreciate the voluntary efforts made, so hear hear to your acknowledgement of and thanks to those concerned.
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Re: #RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

Post by dickp »

'Every little helps' is Tesco's well-known tagline, ironically for the location in question.
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Re: #RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

Post by Pally »

Sydenham wrote:Mmmm. Actually many did stop to give +ve comments and also one person gave additional help.

I just wanted to say thank you and publicly acknowledge that this goes on. Heaven forbid it might encourage others to do the same knowing they are not alone.
I think there are/ have observed quite a few who do "little bits"!
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Re: #RebuildTheGreyhound - pub to be rebuilt by April 2015?

Post by Eagle »

Are we nearly two and a half years late . Suggest it just be pulled down if nothing happens soon.

Certainly we need a new heading.
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